Our Commitment to Sustainability



Supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals

The webpage you are about to enter mentions and/or contains information on products of SUSI Partners which are no longer open to new investors.
The webpage you are about to enter mentions and/or contains information on the SUSI Energy Efficiency & Transition Credit Fund (“SEETCF”), a Luxembourg-registered investment vehicle managed by SUSI Partners. SEETCF is only open to professional investors (or institutional/qualified investors, as such terms may apply in local jurisdictions) who qualify as „well-informed investors“ under Luxembourg’s 2007 law about Specialised Investment Funds.
The information provided does not constitute an offer or invitation to acquire or sell any service or product referred to. Nothing contained herein should be deemed to be a prediction or projection of future performance of any investment or product. Past performance is not a guide to current or future performance. The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and is not guaranteed.
The webpage you are about to enter mentions and/or contains information on the SUSI Energy Transition Fund OECD (“SETF”), a Luxembourg-registered investment vehicle managed by SUSI Partners. SETF is only open to professional investors (or institutional/qualified investors, as such terms may apply in local jurisdictions) who qualify as „well-informed investors“ under Luxembourg’s 2007 law about Specialised Investment Funds.
The information provided does not constitute an offer or invitation to acquire or sell any service or product referred to. Nothing contained herein should be deemed to be a prediction or projection of future performance of any investment or product. Past performance is not a guide to current or future performance. The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and is not guaranteed.
The information contained on the ”Products” page is only available to professional clients (or institutional/qualified investors, as such terms may apply in local jurisdictions) who qualify as „well-informed investors“ under Luxembourg’s 2007 law about Specialised Investment Funds. By accessing this webpage, you certify that you qualify as a professional investor fulfilling the criteria of a well-informed investor.
The information provided does not constitute an offer or invitation to acquire or sell any service or product referred to. Nothing contained herein should be deemed to be a prediction or projection of future performance of any investment or product. Past performance is not a guide to current or future performance. The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and is not guaranteed.
SUSI Partners does not guarantee that the information displayed on the Products page is up to date. Any information contained therein is subject to change without notice and SUSI Partners accepts no liability for any errors, omissions or outdated information.
Please note the following:
The content of SUSI website is provided for information purposes only. Although SUSI takes all reasonable care to ensure that the information on this website is correct at the time of publication and based on reliable sources, SUSI does not guarantee that the information or opinions contained in the SUSI website are accurate, reliable, complete or up to date. The information and opinions contained in the SUSI website are subject to change without notice.
No information published on the SUSI website constitutes an offer or a solicitation of an offer or a recommendation to subscribe to any SUSI products or services.