Our Commitment to Sustainability

We invest in opportunities that contribute to the energy transition, do so in a responsible manner which systematically addresses environmental, social, and governance ("ESG") matters, and deliver measurable positive outcomes.

Our sustainability approach has three objectives – enhancing performance, delivering impact, and driving engagement. We achieve these objectives by enhancing the risk-return profile of our investments, delivering and reporting objectively measurable greenhouse gas emission reductions, and by engaging with portfolio companies, clients, business partners, and other stakeholders to drive positive and impactful outcomes.


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Our fiduciary duty to our clients is paramount. ESG analyses are a fundamental part of our investment assessment, risk management, and value creation approaches and hence key to our ability to deliver attractive risk-adjusted returns.

Our efforts are assessed and rated annually by the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI). With 5/5 stars in all categories and the maximum score of 100/100 in the categories “Infrastructure” and “Confidence-Building Measures”, the rating recognises our comprehensive integration of ESG considerations to minimise and mitigate risks, enhance financial returns, and align our activities with global sustainable development goals.



Each of our investments measurably contributes to climate change mitigation. We report potential avoided emissions of our investments based on a detailed and externally verified methodology.

In addition, our investments are intended to have a positive impact beyond the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. By advancing the development of more decentralised, efficient and flexible energy systems, they also increase energy security and affordability for nations and consumers, which in turn benefits overall economic and social development.

3.6 million

tonnes of CO2 avoided
as of year-end 2023

20.3 million

tonnes of CO2 avoided
over technology lifetime (est.) as of year-end 2023

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Supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals

While we support all United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), our intentions are focused on measurably contributing to goals 7, 9, 13, and 17.


We manage our investments with a keen eye on sustainable and responsible practices and safeguard against the adverse effects of neglecting ESG considerations. We therefore work closely with our portfolio companies and partners to mitigate risks and seize on value creation opportunities early on.

In addition to our proactive ownership approach, we dedicate efforts towards the promotion of sustainable practices with our clients and the broader industry through knowledge sharing and advocacy.

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