SUSI Partners has published its 2022 Sustainability Report, offering insights into the firm’s overall approach to ensuring the sustainability of its investments and the company while documenting key initiatives launched and advanced in 2022.

Read our Sustainability Report 2022:

Sustainability Report 2022

Following the precedent set by two pandemic years, 2022 continued to provide a multitude of extraordinary challenges with a war breaking out in Europe, energy prices surging, and rapid interest rate hikes shaking up global capital allocation. Throughout all this turbulence, SUSI Partners’ business – investing in energy transition infrastructure – proved to be a resilient one, as the increased focus on energy security and energy efficiency underscored the urgency to advance energy transition efforts across the globe.

The 2022 Sustainability Report introduces the three pillars of SUSI’s reworked Sustainability Strategy – performance, impact, and engagement –, quantifies the investments’ contribution towards climate change mitigation and describes in detail how environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations are systematically integrated into the investment process. It furthermore provides a summary of the firm’s investment activities in 2022 across OECD infrastructure equity, OECD infrastructure credit, and Southeast Asia developing markets, and shines a light on sustainability initiatives at a firm level, including in the areas of people management and ICT infrastructure.

The report illustrates SUSI’s recognition that investing exclusively in energy transition infrastructure is by no means sufficient to be a leader in sustainable finance but requires a deep understanding of the impact of all activities on the climate, ecosystems, and societies. Optimistic about SUSI’s future, the Co-CEOs Marco van Daele and Marius Dorfmeister conclude in their cover letter: “Fortifying a mindset that considers ESG factors at every turn has been a key focus for us over the last year, and it has been a pleasure to see these efforts reflected so well in the daily conduct of our entire team. We will continue to drive our efforts in those regards forward, for the benefit of all our stakeholders, and in line with our purpose: to realise a sustainable future, today.